Monday, June 15, 2015

Slowing Down Until 7.0

Hello Gladiators,

I'm going to take a break from slow down blogging about Gladstance. The recent Q&A by the Blizz dev's didn't address any of the Gladiator issues, and while I feel like we're not being completely neglected, I'm not happy with the direction. They did buff us recently, and then tune it a few times. But you all know I'm not happy until we're taking part in Mythic progression.

Right now it looks like if you have the right gear for Glad, and the wrong gear for Fury, you're okay to go Glad for single target in Mythic HFC. MAYBE some of the fights where multidotters shine ( something like Blast Furnace ) would be nice for us as well, since there will be a lot of spread out targets up for a long time, to allow thunderclap and deep wounds to do a lot of work for us. So I'm hopeful we see a few Glad's here an there. But in Heroic Difficulty, go ham. Glad is perfectly fine for Heroic.

I'll probably be back with the 7.0 changes and will always be around on twitter.

Keep in Touch,



  1. Sad to see you stop blogging. I still enjoy Glad, and will keep going for a bit longer. Still enjoy it a lot more than fury. Will keep your blog bookmarked and will check back when 7.0 hits alpha or beta. :)

    1. Thank you :). I might do something on Fury/Arms in the meantime. We'll see.

  2. ?? I'm in mythic progression :( not at the bottom of dps either.

    1. Yeah, I meant when the content is brand new. I want to see a glad warrior playing for Method or Midwinter. Mythic Progression right now doesn't really count as we're all 695 and 25ilvl higher than Method was world first.
